Quality Assurance
Quality Policy / Structure
Quality assurance is the major premise for a company to be trustworthy. We view quality as the result of bringing together “the company’s technological capabilities”, “awareness of employees”, and “organizational management capacity”. Every employee handles products with the utmost care. In manufacturing processes, work is conducted based on the awareness that “products are quality building” based on a systematized quality and technology control system, and we focus efforts on “zero-defect” production systems while pursuing thorough “built-in quality” in each production process.

Quality Policy
Ohkawa Corporation has established the following policies with 100% participation by employees to ensure that we receive the ongoing trust and satisfaction of customers.
- To earn the trust of customers, we aim for quality that meets customer requirements by 100%.
- Through seeking continuous innovation, improvement of formidable technologies, and implementation of original ideas, we aim to improve our technologies and product quality.
- We build, operate, and continuously seek to improve effectiveness of a quality management system that meets customer requirements and the requirements of JIS Q 9001 and JIS Q 9100.
- We strive to thoroughly educate all employees to ensure that they understand, execute and maintain our quality policy. Moreover, we advance activities upon setting quality targets and clarifying measures.
- We periodically review and check the validity of our quality policy and quality targets, and continuously implement evaluation and improvement.
- We comply with customer requirements and the requirements stipulated in applicable laws and regulations.
Established: October 13, 2006
Revised: June 19, 2018, Rev. 5
Susumu Koike, President and CEO
Ohkawa Corporation
About the System
- Company-wide quality assurance based on the Quality Management System
- Product quality and process capabilities combining processing technologies and measuring technologies
- Stable process capability based on managed skill improvement